Why Do Dogs Like to Go for Car Rides?

  • By: DogCarTravelGuide
  • Date: February 20, 2021
  • Time to read: 2 min.

Why Do Dogs Like to Go for Car Rides?

Not all dogs love car rides, but a huge number of them do. If you’ve ever wondered why your dog loves to stick its head out the window, watching the world zip by in a car, here are some of the possible reasons.

They Love Being with You

Dogs are very social animals. In the wild, wolves live in packs, and dogs do, too. Wherever you go, they want to go, too, so it’s only natural that they want to be in the car with you when you’re in it.

In a car, a dog always knows exactly where you are, and this helps them feel close to you. To them, the sensation of everyone moving in the same direction makes them feel like they’re hunting with you. Since dogs still have a lot of old wolf instincts, this feeling serves to strengthen their bond with you even more.

Plus, from a dog’s perspective, when they’re riding in a car, they’re chasing after everything around them. They don’t know that the objects on the sides of the road aren’t actually moving with them. That makes them feel even more like they’re on a hunt.

They Like Discovering New Things

On a car ride, even a short one, dogs get a lot of sensory input that they don’t get when they’re at home. All of those new sights and smells are exciting for them.

This is especially true if most of the dog’s experiences with car rides have ended positively. If you only ever take your dog for a ride when it’s time to go to the vet, they’re probably not going to like car rides very much.

But dogs love adventures, so if you take them to the park or on trips in the car, they’ll begin to associate car rides with going somewhere new and doing something fun. That will make them love the rides even more.

Why Dogs Like Car Rides

Ultimately, it comes back to their evolutionary history as wolves. Dogs thrive off of a sense of camaraderie, and they love chasing, hunting, and experiencing new smells and sights. Car rides provide all of that for them, which is why they love them so much.

So the next time your dog begs to go on a car ride with you, consider letting them. It could be a fun experience, not only for them, but for you too.

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