How can I make my dog happy in the car?

  • By: DogCarTravelGuide
  • Date: March 10, 2021
  • Time to read: 2 min.

Making Your Dog Happy in the Car

We all want to travel around with our favorite pets, but that’s not always possible if our pets hate riding in the car. And since you shouldn’t force your animal into uncomfortable or unsafe situations, keeping them happy on the road is essential. So, here’s what you need to know to get that done.

Why some dogs dislike car rides

All dogs are different, so their reaction to going for a ride in the car will be just as unique. For example, pups that have only been to the vet might not like hitting the road because it brings back unpleasant memories. Meanwhile, pets that have been everywhere with their person usually enjoy taking trips. Thus, some dogs dislike car rides just because they’re no fun.

Other times, canines get carsick because of the rapid, unpredictable motion. They might also be anxious about their destination if they’ve experienced trauma, gotten abandoned, or been abused in a car before. That’s why most vets suggest taking your pet on short trips to get them used to the on-road life.

How to make your dog happy in the car

Aside from simply training your dog to ride calmly in the car, you can make him happier too. Here’s how:

#1. Give your pup a special toy that’s reserved just for being good in the car.

Pick out a special squeaky toy or chewing stick. Let your dog play with it for a while. Then, take it out to your car and leave it there. Only give your pup access to it when you’re traveling.

#2. Bring along something that smells like you, the house, or their favorite person.

Dogs associate a lot of things with scent, and they really appreciate smelling familiar things. So, grab a household pillow, a blanket, or an article of clothing and stash it in the back seat for your pup to sniff.

#3. Use herbal remedies and aromas to keep your dog feeling calm.

Speaking of sniffing things, you can calm your pup and make him happy at the same time just by allowing the right aromas to waft throughout your car. Try lavender for a calming effect, or go for eucalyptus to prevent nausea.

#4. Open the windows and turn down the music.

Dogs don’t like jamming as much as you do. In fact, it can hurt their ears, cause headaches, and make them get sick. So, turn down your music to a reasonable volume and open up a window or two for ventilation.

In summary

Your dog doesn’t have to be miserable in the car if you take the right steps and watch their behavior closely.


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