Can dogs sit in the footwell?
Dogs love to travel by car and people love to have their dogs with them. The footwell seems a safe spot for a dog so that should be the perfect place for a dog to travel in. Right? Let’s see.
The short answer would be that it depends on the dog, the car, the circumstances and other factors.
Not all dogs fit in all footwells and the place is not exactly as safe as you would think it is.
Even if you have a dog that is always quiet and good in the car, you should never trust an animal to stay in one place for too long.
A dog could simply decide at one point that your lap is nicer, or that the front seat looks better and once they do that, they are exposed to accidents and they can interfere with driving.
Is there a safe way in for a dog to sit in the footwell?
Yes there is. Having a dog crate anchored in the footwell would be great. It would mean that the dog is safe and contained.
However, in case of an accident. A crate anchored to the back seat would probably be a better place, since rescuers could reach it much easier.