Can dogs be loose in a car

  • By: DogCarTravelGuide
  • Date: February 13, 2021
  • Time to read: 2 min.

Can dogs be loose in a car

Dog sticking their head out the car window is a picture that brings me comfort and also scares me a little.

Why? Because I know that the dog enjoys it, but I also know that it is dangerous to have a dog loose in a car, while driving.

Can dogs be loose in a car?

Some states do require a dog’s owner to have the dog properly restrained in the car, but most of them don’t. This has led to an increasing number of accidents that resulted in the dog becoming seriously injured or dying.

Another important point is that dogs get easily excited, and they can interfere with driving, causing the driver to be distracted.

This is why it is vital to have the dog restrained in the car.

How should I drive with my dog?

Large breeds should be restrained in a crate that is properly anchored. Otherwise, they will be thrown around when you have an accident or when you break harshly.

Smaller dogs need a harness and a special seat belt, so that they will be safe when the car stops suddenly.

Even if this may seem something difficult to do, remember that safety should always come first and that your dog deserves safe transportation too.

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