How can I make my dog happy in the car

How can I make my dog happy in the car?

Making Your Dog Happy in the Car We all want to travel around with our favorite pets, but that’s not always possible if our pets hate riding in the car. And since you shouldn’t force your animal into uncomfortable or unsafe situations, keeping them happy on the road is essential. So, here’s what you need…

What can I give my dog for car anxiety

What can I give my dog for car anxiety?

Remedies for Car Anxiety in Dogs Your dog probably likes going for a ride, but that doesn’t mean it won’t experience car anxiety anyway. So, here’s what you need to know to make it a little easier on everybody. We’re an affiliate We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, we…

Are Long Car Rides Bad for Dogs

Are Long Car Rides Bad for Dogs

Are Long Car Rides Bad for Dogs How many times have you driven down the road and seen a puppy with this head hanging out the window of a car? It always looks happy and healthy, doesn’t it? Canines love taking rides and “going bye-bye” as long as it’s not a trip to the vet….

Why do some dogs hate car rides?

Why do some dogs hate car rides?

Why do some dogs hate car rides? Most pups absolutely love to hop in the car and go for a little joy ride. With the windows down and being adored at every stop light, being a dog in a car is a great thing. So why do some pups absolutely hate being in the car?…

How can I make my dog more comfortable in the car?

How can I make my dog more comfortable in the car?

How can I make my dog more comfortable in the car? You might want to take your dog on his first park visit. Or it might be time for a checkup at the vet. The fact is that you have to get your pup in the car. Before you back out of your driveway, there…

Why Do Dogs Like to Go for Car Rides?

Why Do Dogs Like to Go for Car Rides?

Why Do Dogs Like to Go for Car Rides? Not all dogs love car rides, but a huge number of them do. If you’ve ever wondered why your dog loves to stick its head out the window, watching the world zip by in a car, here are some of the possible reasons. We’re an affiliate…

Do dogs get car sick

Do Dogs Get Carsick?

Do Dogs Get Carsick? Most pooches happily wag their tails when it’s time to go for a ride with their owners. Taking a trip is exciting (unless it’s to the vet), but that doesn’t mean your dog won’t still get carsick. In fact, motion sickness in canines may be more common than you think. We’re…

Can your dog sit in the footwell

Can dogs sit in the footwell?

Can dogs sit in the footwell? Dogs love to travel by car and people love to have their dogs with them. The footwell seems a safe spot for a dog so that should be the perfect place for a dog to travel in. Right? Let’s see. We’re an affiliate We hope you love the products…

Top 5 Dog Seat Belts

Top 5 Dog Seat Belts

Top 5 Dog Seat Belts If your furry little family member is a constant traveling companion it’s not a bad idea to invest in a dog seat belt. After all, it’s important to keep our pets as safe as the rest of our loved ones in a vehicle – and traditional seatbelts just aren’t designed…

Is it illegal to drive with an unrestrained dog?

Is it illegal to drive with an unrestrained dog Most states don’t have legislation about how a dog should stay in a car, but a few of them do. We’re an affiliate We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, we may collect a share of sales or other compensation from…